

MAE is the culmination of a lifelong dream to enable all students, young and old, near and far, to better understand the fundamental concepts of computing. As a young child I learned much in my grandfather’s basement workshop, where we’d spend endless hours together as he tinkered with woods and metals, transforming raw materials into works of art and moving magic. As I grew the magic slowly faded as understanding, wonder and persistent curiosity emerged. Visible mechanisms enabled an instinctive understanding of how things worked in a manner that would never be possible with hidden electronics. MAE will be a full-sized, Modern Analytical Engine, demonstrating visibly, clearly, and mechanically in an approachable and accessible manner the inner workings of today’s computers.

Project-MAE is an open source project and all are welcome and encouraged to participate. Preference is given to current high-school and university students and non-profit organizations.

A list of open positions may be found here

The application is available here

Project MAE’s Github Organization can be found here

MAE Principles

Those working on the Modern Analytical Engine are members of the larger body of engineers whose goal it is to improve not only the efficacy of their work, but also to contribute to the education and proficiency of the world’s engineers. Therefore, the Modern Analytical Engine and its associated engineers have published a series of principles by which all of its teams’ constituents will adhere to in order to uphold the integrity of its engineers, as well as to provide a diverse, inclusive, respectful, and fair work environment.


The Modern Analytical Engine is worked on by people from various races, ethnicities, sexualities, cultures, neurotypes and identities. It is not only encouraged but expected that its engineers make explicit effort to respect and accommodate these cultural differences in a socially responsible manner in order to create a safe work environment, as well as to promote the inclusivity of these cultures in an engineering field.


The Modern Analytical Engine and its engineers strive to promote an equal opportunity environment, allowing engineers to service the project and its broader community in a way that is most directly appropriate to its engineers’ abilities. The Modern Analytical Engine will ensure that treatment within its work environment is appropriate and benevolent, and that the conduct between peers is equitable. Similarly, we encourage that new engineers are treated equitably, and given appropriate opportunity within the work environment.

Respect for the Human Being

It is imperative that within the workplace, engineers not only acknowledge the professional activities of their peers, but also acknowledge their personal affairs. Engineers are not only coworkers, but humans who ought to be treated genuinely and with appropriate regard for their well being. It is important to respect the privacy of other engineers, as well as to avoid harm in any facet including personal and emotional, both within and without the work environment.